Orange suffers drop in Internet service across Spain due to cyberattack |  Technology

Orange suffers drop in Internet service across Spain due to cyberattack | Technology

Orange suffers drop in Internet service across Spain due to cyberattack |  Technology

The telecommunications company Orange has problems encountered with your Internet connection. According to several network users, and has since commented on the company via its account on (formerly known as Twitter), the problems started early Wednesday afternoon. “We detected a widespread incident with our service across the country, but fortunately it was detected very quickly (thanks in large part to all your comments and warnings) and we are already working to resolve it as quickly as possible,” the company responded. a user with whom I was having connection problems. At 7:30 p.m., the operator reported that service was “practically restored”.

The company admitted to having suffered a computer attack, as it explains in another publication: “The Orange account in the IP network coordination center (RIPE) suffered inappropriate access which affected the navigation of some of our clients “. “We confirm that in no case has our customers’ data been compromised, this has only affected the navigation of certain services,” he added.

The incidents began at four o’clock in the afternoon, as recorded by the DownDetector website, specialized in real-time detection of incidents in services connected to the Internet. However, at seven in the afternoon the situation was already beginning to improve, as the company confirmed a few hours after the incident began. in another post on. “For those of you who have reported to us about issues accessing certain websites, the issue has already been resolved for some customers and we hope to have the rest back soon. Can you tell us here, please? Sorry for the inconvenience.”

As the hours passed, details of the attack emerged. An account created last January posted screenshots of the attack on Orange: “I repaired the security of your RIPE administrator account. Message me to get the new credentials,” the message said. He then published screenshots of this “inappropriate access”, which risked bringing down his entire network. RIPE manages the regional network addresses. For some reason, it only blocked certain DNS (domain name systems), which did not affect the entire Orange network or all its services. It is unclear how Orange obtained the credentials.

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